Directory of Certified Food & Spirit Practitioners

Photo of Jennifer Doctorovich

Jennifer Doctorovich

Certified Food and Spirit Practitioner, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
Home Phone: 646-263-4377


My background is very eclectic as I began my journey as a professional theater actress, moved in to functional fitness and group exercise, and went back to study holistic nutrition.  But even in the functional medicine community I could see that we were too linear.  Our bodies are so much more than physical…we are emotional, energetic and spiritual.  Food and Spirit has allowed me to help others cross over stumbling blocks around food, belief systems, and even the origins of trauma.  I focus on core issues, creativity, emotions and life balance.  I currently am in the corporate health climate and am bringing in total wellness and education to this environment.  I also work with actors and performers on their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, belief systems and physical health.  Please note at this time, I am only taking on remote clients.  Thank you!

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